How to use 1001fx with Workato

Calling our api via Workato is very easy. Please follow these instructions.

  1. Create a connection in your project
  2. Set the connection name to e.g. 1001fx
  3. Set the connection type is 'Cloud'
  4. Set the authentication type is 'Header auth'
  5. Add custom request headers X-API-KEY and the value to 'YOURSECRETAPIKEY' from dashboard
  6. Enter the Base URL to send the request to the function '' e.g.
  7. Click on connect
  8. Add a recipe
  9. Select 'Build an API endpoint'
  10. Add an 'Connect to HTTP' action
  11. Provide the request URL to send the request to the function '' e.g.
  12. Set method to 'POST'
  13. Set request content type to 'JSON'
  14. Set body to your data (e.g. {{"name":"Alice"}})
  15. Add custom request headers X-API-KEY and the value to 'YOURSECRETAPIKEY' from dashboard
  16. Send the request